Sunday 17 May 2009

The Taliban

The Jinn is out of Aladdin’s Lamp, and refuses to go back in. This is the truth about the Taliban, its creation and the far-fetched problems it is creating. President Zardari himself has said that Taliban is the creation of Pakistan (ISI) and USA (CIA).
During the period of the Presidentships of George W. Bush and General Musharraf, there had been half-hearted attempts to contain the Taliban; and now it has attained such colossal proportion that it has become very difficult to contain or crush it, though President Obama has warned about the gravity of the situation. The picture has been well depicted by Leonard Spector in his article ‘Pakistan, Taliban and the global security’( The Statesman13 May) and by Salman Haider ‘Crack the whip’(The Statesman 14 May). There is some resentment among sections of the Pakistan’s people, mainly because of the sufferings of the civilians, and also because of religious sympathy towards the Taliban.
The thrust against the Taliban has been intensified, but a new potential danger has raised its head. When Pakistan first exploded its nuclear bombs in 1995, there were widespread apprehensions that this was the beginning of the ‘Islamic Bomb’. However, this was dismissed as a joke, as they thought that the USA was in full knowledge and control of nuclear technological developments in Pakistan, - though the truth is that China had a big part to play in this.
Be that as it may, later developments with Dr. A. Q. Khan exporting the nuclear weapon technology to Islamic countries like Libya, Iran etc. the picture was totally altered and the fear of an Islamic bomb became very real, notwithstanding verbal assurances from the USA. USA, the originator of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty could not do anything about it, and A Q Khan went unpunished.
Now, on the one hand the nuclear technology in the hands of Iran is becoming a problem for the USA, and on the other, the possible seizure of Pakistan’s nuclear armaments and technology by the Taliban and other extremist groups is threatening world peace. Whereas the USA failed to nip the first sign of Islamic bomb in the bud, the gangrene quickly spread, and is now out of control.
The solution is the complete nuclear disarmament of Pakistan and removal of all nuclear installations and facilities from there, for the sake of world peace. But will the USA be up to it? It may not be out of place to mention that through the Indo-US Nuclear Deal the USA has already stopped India’s weapon-grade nuclear research quite effectively, placing India’s nuclear research under the vigilant gaze of the IAEA. So, Pakistan will have no ‘nuclear’ danger from India.

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